When We Disconnect From our Phones, We Connect with Ourselves. Here’s How.

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It’s no secret that as a society we are becoming ever reliant on our digital devices. While there’s no denying they bring a lot of good – safety, communication across distances, answers at your fingertips – it’d be remiss to ignore some of the damaging effects they have had on our sense of culture and community.

More and more people of all ages are switching into the world of their phones and social media and disconnecting from the here and now. We are beginning to see the long-lasting negative effects of living a life deeply rooted in technology and alternate realities.

A recent study was conducted to examine the scale of the overuse of smartphones amongst university students. The results showed that there was a negative and aggravating (!) effect on psychological disorders, particularly those with anxiety and stress.

Perhaps these are things you’ve noticed within yourself. We are all guilty of doom scrolling and getting lost in a world on our tablets, but it can lead to avoidant behaviour meaning we waste time and never achieve anything meaningful within our days, lacking connection with those around us.

Have you ever sat in a circle of your friends and noticed one, or more, of them sitting on their phones and disconnecting from the conversation at hand? Take a closer look next time. Do they look present, or do they seem isolated from what’s going on around them?

While the content we consume on the internet can bring momentary joy, it takes us away from what is happening around us. Mindfulness has proven that attempting to remain present– noting the sounds and smells, stopping the mind from wandering into the past or the future– is hugely beneficial to those experiencing stress, anxiety and depression.

There are so many ways you can control your digital habits and try to disconnect from your phone a little bit more. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Set screen time limits on social media apps in your phone settings. You can even apply restrictions if you know you’re likely to ignore any limits you set for yourself.

2. Get outside. Never underestimate the power of being surrounded by nature. Odds are you’ll find yourself tuning into the beautiful scenery and less entrenched in the happenings on your phone.

3. Have something to fiddle with. Often we reach for our phones out of muscle memory, our thumbs seeking that repetitive scrolling motion. Instead, wear a piece of Star & Co jewellery– the Jake, Ellie and India pieces are really great for this kind of movement.

4. Ask your friends to have a digital-free catch up. This one might feel a little bit
daunting, but odds are your friends are feeling the need for human connection too, and the whole point of getting together is being together, so encourage them to put their phones away and enjoy each other’s company.

5. Pick up something to read instead. When you find yourself wasting time, scrolling and not really engaging with any of the content, read a book instead. Reading has been known to reduce stress levels by up to 68%. The power of a good book can transport you elsewhere, away from any stagnant or repetitive thought patterns.

The more we tune out from the online world, the more we can connect with the space and people around us, and ultimately, with ourselves. There will always be a place for the digital community, but taking a stance so it doesn’t rule your life will be extremely beneficial for you in the long run. A few simple tools or changes can easily help you build a healthy, balanced relationship with technology.
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