How the Star & Co Team Uses Their Soothing Tools

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Like most brands, businesses and companies, we are a group made up of very different people. While we all have a common goal– to ease the symptoms and feelings of stress, anxiety and overwhelm– each of us approach it in a unique and different way, even down to our favourite pieces and the way we like to use them.

Our collection boasts a piece for everyone, and our team is a great example of how this is tried and true. Not one of us has the exact same story or experience and we all favour a different piece in the range.


The Ellie Ring

Fortunately for Ellie, her favourite piece is The Ellie Ring (actually, that’s why we  named it after her!). From the tactile engravings to the smooth central ball, this ring offers a number of different ways in which it can be used. Ellie likes to apply a slight pressure from the tip of her finger, letting the lines press into her skin as she slowly rotates the ball in repetitive motions. Ellie’s anxiety is often centred around social settings with lots of people, or peop

le she may not know super well. Having The Ellie on hand makes her feel like she has an outlet and source to focalise the excessive adrenaline that can make these situations feel often
unbearable. The movement is repetitive, predictable and grounding, plus no one can tell what she’s doing.


The Kirstie Necklace

Kirstie was one of our very first samplers, and there’s a reason her favourite necklace was named after her. The Kirstie Necklace features a striking, spiral design with a ball that can be moved along it. As a business owner, Kirstie’s job is highly stressful. She works long hours and similarly to Ellie, she experiences some social anxiety. The Kirstie Necklace has been an instant source of comfort for her, as she often finds herself subconsciously tracing the ball around its track. In times where this movement is a conscious one, Kirstie notices how it instantly calms her and prevents her mind from racing away.

Kirstie has four sons and not one of them is exempt from incessant fidgeting– Billy is no exception. Fortunately Billy doesn’t experience anxiety on the day to day, but his fidgeting habits are constant and often lead to mindless nail biting, particularly when his brain is busy while working. The Jake Ring has been an absolute saviour for him. He finds the reliable spinning motion smooth and addictive, it’s even helped him combat his nail biting habit!


The India Ring
Given she has smaller hands, Sacha naturally loves The India Ring. This piece features a suspended spinning ball mounted onto a horizontal bar, allowing it to be used in a number of different ways. For Sacha, someone who gets caught up in negative self-talk for fear of disappointing people, she likes to flick the ball on top of the ring. It gives her finger a repetitive motion, while sending a vibrating sensation to her hands and fingers that she finds completely addictive.

If she opts for a simple, rolling motion, the skin of her finger sometimes catches underneath a feeling that might sound odd but is great for tactile stimulation. At first glance, The India Ring might not look like a piece intended for safe, non-harmful pain sensations, but it is multi-talented and can be used in a number of ways.

These are just four examples that outline how we’ve chosen to use our own pieces, and why you might lean towards one in particular. The beauty is that there is no right or wrong way to use an item of Star & Co jewellery. We’ve had many people come to us and tell us their way of using a piece and often it’s something we had never thought of before!

Versatility exists throughout our collection in terms of style, purpose and usage. We’re always on the hunt for new movements within each of our pieces, and cannot wait to hear how you choose to use yours! Be sure to get in touch and let us know

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