How to Make Your Own Self-Soothe Box

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There are lots of hands-on ways to manage or decrease your physical symptoms of stress, anxiety and overwhelm. Sometimes we need immediate relief to dispel any intense and uncomfortable feelings. While leaning towards something that guarantees instant gratification isn’t necessarily a cure, it is a step to bettering your wellbeing and ensuring you have a quick response when anything nasty pops up at a not-so-convenient moment.

A really handy way to have all the tools you might need is to build a self-soothe box. Firstly, it’s a fun little project you can get creative with and make something that feels like you-in-a-box, but it’s also a great way to take a look at what things serve you in a positive way, and what you could maybe do without.

Build the box
You might simply use an old shoebox or jewellery box and leave it at that (which is totally fine, this is your box) or you might deck out said shoebox or jewellery box.

Grab some funky wrapping paper or tissue paper to line the box, and stick it down with some tape or staples. Add in some glitter, stickers, anything that makes you feel at ease and warm inside.

Fill the box
Now this is the fun part. Have a look through your personal items and put aside anything that brings you ease and comfort as soon as you pick it up or use it. It’s best to keep the items on the smaller side, but this isn’t a hard and fast rule. Just remember, the smaller the items, the more room you’ll have inside the box for more items. If the concept of ‘more’ feels overwhelming, let’s keep the items to a maximum of five.

The best way to look at these five items is to think about the five senses. Find an item that soothes each sense and you know you’ll be able to easily ground yourself during stressful and anxious times.

Here are five examples of what you might consider putting inside your self-soothe box.

1. See
A photo or image that brings a sense of ease – perhaps it’s of the beach or somewhere in nature. Maybe it’s a photo of a happy memory with someone you love.

2. Touch
Something like clay, playdough or even a stress ball can be a gentle way to keep your hands busy and ground yourself in some gentle work with a sensation that feels utterly satisfying.

3. Taste
A bag of your favourite flavoured hard lollies, something you can move around and let melt in your mouth. Place it on your tongue and close your eyes, let the flavour consume you for a moment – it’s important it’s a taste you really love!

4. Smell
An essential oil of your choice can work wonders here. Different scents have various benefits and evoke different feelings. Lavender is great for calming and reducing adrenaline, it’s also known to help with sleep. Pop a few drops on your temples or wrists, and right under your nose and take a deep breath in.

5. Hear
A jar filled with sand can be a simple way to add some sound to your box. Tip the jar upside down in slow, repetitive movements and let the soothing sound of grains moving over one another ground you in place. You could also write down a list of three comforting songs on a piece of paper. This will act as a reminder to press play on those songs and be transported to whatever happy memory they bring up for you.

There’s plenty of other things you can choose to put inside your self-soothe box, but using the five senses is a simple and effective starting point. Pick each item up and move through them. Allow yourself to be completely immersed in that sense and bring you back to yourself.

Self-soothe boxes should be kept somewhere safe and handy, like your bedroom cupboard. While they’re not practical for on-the-go, you can lean on your Star & Co piece to provide comfort and anxiety relief when you’re out of the home.
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