

It would be easier to talk about all the things Kirstie hasn’t done, because she has truly achieved so much. Prior to becoming the proud and successful owner of the Starfish Store, Kirstie began her educational career as a teacher. Having gained experience working with disadvantaged children in low socio-economic areas, she quickly set her sights on special education. Fast forward a few years, after having gained numerous qualifications along with her own product design and becoming heavily involved in foster care, Kirstie came full circle and found herself lecturing at the University of Wollongong. With Kirstie’s breadth of industry knowledge on board, we knew we had the perfect formula to design and create specialised products that would actually work and help people. Kirstie has four sons (Billy being one of them), two step-children and three grandchildren, with another one the way! She lives in Gerringong with her husband Richard and can be found enjoying a cold dip in the sea each morning, followed by an essential sauna session.


What triggers your anxiety?

I can get very anxious, though many people would not realise - as I mask well. I find new situations and crowds (especially unfamiliar or new people) provokes my anxiety and I need a lot of self-talk and tools for support, to navigate successfully through. I am capable, but I find it emotionally exhausting.

What is your go-to Star & Co piece?

I was lucky enough to be able to test out the sample necklace, which I never gave back - I wear it most days to work. Because my work is quite stressful, I am forever rolling the bead around on the pendant. Half the time I forget I'm doing it. But when I am consciously using it, the rhythmic movement is deeply calming. I can even combine it with focused breathing, yet it looks like a stunning piece of jewellery. No one would ever know.